Capacity Building

FFOU empowers individuals and organizations through skill enhancement programs. Federation Of Fisheries Organizations Uganda (FFOU) recognizes the need to ensure adoption of best business practices in the sector through capacity building of Fisher folk. This is done to improve their business management and implementation. We offer Business Development Services trainings and advisory services which come in four main tracks of Entrepreneurship, Financial management, Fish handling and Responsible fisheries.

Strategic objective:

Enhanced capacity of women and youth within fisher communities for better participation in the fisheries Business chain.


Enhance capacity of women and youth to participate in leadership of associations.

Train in leadership, business and other skills as well as financial literacy.

Source for low interest loans to train folks to start or boost their own businesses.

Encourage and train them in aquaculture fish farming as diversity from catch Fisheries for a better livelihood.

Empower their contribution to the decision-making mechanism within the fisheries business chains.

Mobilize/ organize more of them into DBOs, associations and Sacco’s where they can share experiences, resources and interests to improve on their businesses.

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