Membership Benefits

  1. Being a member part of a larger body professionally working together to influence policy making processes that stimulate and spur growth of fisheries businesses in Uganda
  2. Involvement and participation in various business fora’s, sector working groups on policy and other concerns affecting the fisheries sector
  3. Getting first hand information and business opportunities on the East African fisheries confederation and other trading blocks in the world
  4. Participation on the decision-making process of FFOU by being represented at the Board of FFOU
  5. Access to information at FFOU such as the resource centre, internet facility, membership register, free subscription to FFOU monthly magazine and periodical briefing notes on national and global economic matters
  6. Enjoying a 10% discount rate on fee-based activities of FFOU e.g. trainings, seminars, exhibitions, adverting (business directory) and conferences.
  7. Enjoying a 50% discount as an Associate member who wants to advertise in the FFOU Business Directory
  8. Invitation to be part of the fisheries sector delegations that meet with foreign investors within the country and abroad.
  9. Use of FFOU logo in advertisements to demonstrate the spirt of working together in the private sector development.
  10. Training and capacity building of you and your members in various needs that may arise including governance, financial literacy and other business-related skills.
  11. Participation in FFOU networking meetings and member activities where you share ideas and experiences with other FFOU member.
  12. Participation in our member days where you can have one on one interaction with FFOU management staff team to explore and seize the many opportunities available at FFOU
  13. Member visits-every member is visited by the FFOU team at least once a year. Aimed at strengthening links and identifying organizational issues that may require advice from FFOU.
  14. Access to entrepreurship skills and Business counselling services
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