Climate Change

Climate change action to protect the eco-system.  FFOU encourages efficient and eco-friendly use of land resources, through organic farming, protection of fragile eco-systems such as wetlands, increasing the coverage of green spaces and encouraging sustainable building practices.

Strategic objective

Enhanced participation of fishers and lake users in protection of the eco -system within the fisheries industry environment around the lakes.


Engage in awareness campaigns on proper waste and garbage disposal.

Promote re-forestation in depleted districts around the lakes.

Mobilize resources for climate change action and protection of the eco -system.

Encourage community participation and industrial intervention in regulating the water hyacinth especially on the lake boundaries.

Ensure improved sanitization and hygiene of communities around the lakes through various “WASH” programs like orientation to eco-friendly toilets.

Encourage re-usable and/or cost-effective source of energy for production and preservation.

Tree planting.

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