HIV, Malaria and TB

Specific objectives

  1. To increase adoption of safer sexual behavior among the Fisherfolk by the end of Dec 2025.
  2. To scale up coverage of comprehensive HIV/AIDS/TB/Malaria/SRH and SGBV services through increased access and utilisation of services among the fisherfolk and high-risk groups in fishing community by end of Dec 2025
  3. To strengthen the capacity of FFOU in HIV programming for improved delivery of HIV and AIDS services to Fisherfolk and other high-risk groups by end of Dec 2025
  4. To strengthen regional coordination and referral linkages for improved HIV and AIDS service delivery among the fisherfolk by end of Dec 2025
  5. To strengthen M&E and Research to generate contemporary knowledge, lessons and good practices to enhance learning and evidence-based programming for quality HIV and AIDS service delivery among the Fisherfolk by end of Dec 2025


  1. Reduced HIV risky behaviors among Fisherfolk and other high-risk groups through adoption of safer sex behaviors.
  2. Increased coverage and uptake of HIV prevention, services to Fisherfolk and other high-risk groups in the 5 great lakes regions of Uganda.
  3. Strengthened capacity and systems for improved HIV&AIDS services delivery in FFOU, surrounding member associations and the community
  4. Improved coordination and referral mechanisms for effective HIV and AIDS service delivery for Fisherfolk in 5 great lakes of Uganda
  5. Improved HIV and Fisherfolk knowledge base in FFOU and fisherfolk community as well as enhanced learning and evidence-based programming for fisherfolk


Adopted implementation strategies

  1. Promotion of gender equality and social inclusion
  2. Meaning involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS
  3. Use of individual small groups
  4. Adoption of Combination HIV prevention service delivery model
  5. Working through the local leadership and district structures to enhance service delivery
  6. Promoting strategic partnerships, collaboration and networking
  7. Community engagement and participation
  8. Targeted campaign and medical camps
  9. Male involvement
  10. Involvement of leaders
  11. Establishment of DIC


Community implementation interventions

  1. Conduct quarterly targeted HIV Testing services (Boat to Boat/ Peer to peer, outreaches, APN etc.)
  2. Conduct targeted HIV/TB camps at landing sites to provide SRH, PEP, PREP, ART, condoms, VMMC, EID, Family planning, HTS etc.)
  3. Digitalization and integration of HIV prevention services into Abavubi app to promote SBCC, Toll free line and mitigation of occupational safety and health hazards.
  4. Create enabling environment to provide friendly services to fisherfolk and other high-risk groups
  5. Establish a strong fisherfolk community peer led and boat to boat Landing Site HIV Initiative (LASHI) for sustainable community HIV response     distribute specific IEC materials (Umbrella, Bags, Notebooks, Pens, brochures, fliers, banners, and posters) to enhance SBCC
  6. Develop and Establish condom outlets with consistence condom supplies at the landing sites, Islands and fish markets
  7. Rejuvenate AIDS Coordination structures I.e. AIDS Committees, CHAGS, VHTs and enhance their functionality and link them to the grassroots Landing Site HIV Initiatives (LASHI)
  8. Prevent harmful socio-cultural practices and involvement of local leaders to provide support to the victims of SGBV.
  9. Engage AGYW in life skills for sustainable livelihood and self-reliance
  10. Establish legal clinics and promote justice supporting victims of human rights violation.


Geographical coverage and population size

  • 5 great lakes in Uganda (Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, George and Edward) and surrounding districts.
  • 503 Fishing villages/Landing Sites across the targeted 5 great lakes
  • 150 Islands on Lake Victoria and Lake Albert
  • 2.2 million people direct lake dependents (Baria, fish traders, Fish processors, Fish farmers, Boat makers, Boat owners, Coxswain, Boat crew, loaders/off loaders, transporters, Input suppliers) who entirely depend on the lake.
  • 10 million people secondary dependents i.e.  Displaced population, relatives, children, migrants among others.

Category of target populations

  • Youth engaged in cross-generational sexual relationships and their partners
  • Adults and youths involved in multiple sexual partnerships
  • Men and women involved in transactional sex and their clients
  • Sex workers
  • Youth prior to sexual debut
  • Fish truck drivers
  • Cargo boat “drivers”
  • Men having sex with men (MSM)
  • IDUs
  • Uniformed personnel among other vulnerable groups
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